Prepare to Share Your Story

There is great value in being prepared to share the reason for the hope you have whenever God brings an opportunity.

Prepare to Share

Paul’s story of his encounter with Jesus followed this pattern:*

  • This is who I was before Christ.
  • This was the turning point.
  • This is who I am after Christ or the difference that Christ has made in my life.

* Reference to Paul’s story has been taken with permission from Bringing My World to Christ.

This outline will help you express what God has done in your life and give structure to your simple, easy- to-follow story. Start by writing out your answers in a format that you can practice. Using the guide below, aim to share each section in about one minute.

1. Your life before you encountered Christ (Romans 3:23)

  • What impact did faith have on your life?
  • Where did you get your happiness and security?
  • How did areas where you put your trust let you down?

2. When you received Christ (Romans 5:8)

  • When was the first time you heard the Gospel? What was your reaction to it?
  • What role did Christian relationships or community play in your journey?
  • What led you to begin considering and then finally surrender your life to Jesus?
  • What were the obstacles in your mind just before you received Christ?
  • Repeat the prayer you said to God to ask for forgiveness for your sin and invite Christ into your life (Romans 10:9).

If you accepted Christ as a small child, then think about when your faith became your own.

3. Your life after receiving Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17)

  • How has God changed you, your relationships, etc., since receiving Christ?
  • How did receiving Christ address the problems that you had in your life?
  • If you had to describe what it means to become a Christian, what would you say?

As you prepare and practice your story, think about these suggestions to keep your story relevant and easy to follow:

  • Pray: Ask God for wisdom as you share your story.
  • Audience: Focus on what will be most relevant to them and paint a clear picture.
  • Clarity: Avoid being too wordy or too vague. Be clear.
  • Christian words: Don’t use Christian words without an explanation.
  • Connection: Describe your life in ways that will help others recognize similarities in their own lives.